
Sunday, September 22, 2013


This is another facet of Zamboanga Crisis 2013. 

In the midst of the pain and misfortune, the Filipinos really have a resilience to bounce back and still laugh and smile, considering that the Crisis is still ongoing!!!

What is Resilience?
  noun \ri-ˈzil-yən(t)s\
: the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens
: the ability of something to return to its original shape after it has been pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc.

: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change <emotional resilience>

I was asked by my friend, Melou, how come we can still smile in the hospital in spite of the bloody patients in front of us, who are victims of the armed conflict!

I guess these images are even more illustrative of resilience...
As described by Fr. Elmer, who graciously let me use his photos, "teenagers playing at the evacuation site......they were so very happy......"!

It is amazing that the children and teenagers still laugh and smile when they themselves are recipients of collateral damage!

What is Collateral Damage?

collateral damage

: deaths, injuries, and damage to the property of people who are not in the military that happens as a result of the fighting in a war

If these teenagers can smile, then there is bright hope for Zamboanga City!
Let us be inspired by them!!!


  1. I think these are traits of most Filipinos not just Zamboanguenos to look forward to the future and let go of the past no matter how traumatic, a way of coping. It is sad to see these effects on very young children, I do wish they will have processing in order to recover. Thank you for sharing Doc! =D

    1. I agree, Raisie... it is a Filipino trait... now we have a natural calamity in Zambales... it is also sad...but we will all rise again!

  2. It's great to see the smiles on the children's faces despite the ongoing chaos there. With God's intervention, I pray that the dispute will soon be over. Thank you also for your kind words in my blog post, Doc :)

    1. We appreciate those who share therapeutic art and therapeutic show to the evacuees... hope it helps in debriefing!

  3. I agree with Ms. Raisie, it is one good trait the we have as Filipinos. As far as I can remember, we are titled as one of the "happy people" in the world because of this trait. I think it is a good thing. It is positive.

    1. Yes, Filipinos really have a way of looking at things positively no matter what!

  4. I think its great to have this treat, the ability to smile and laugh.. Filipino are very positive and happy people. Hope everything will back to normal and Zamboanga.

  5. The people there have really good fighting spirit and are really great to be able to be so positive even though they are going through such a crisis.

  6. This is so inspiring! I hope every children find ways to cope with the situation, and the siege will end soon.

  7. Filipinos are known as positive and happy people, I agree. Despite the trials and challenges we face, somehow somewhere, we still find some source of happiness and some reason to smile. I really hope and pray that the war ends already. It's so sad to see a lot of innocent people getting affected. I hope they find peace na.

  8. Okay, I just teared up a little upon seeing those photos. It's one thing to know the plight of our brothers and sisters in Zamboanga; it's another to see how strongly they are taking it. God bless us!

  9. That's the Filipino spirit. I pray that the crisis in Zamboanga will end soon. May God bless them with much strength to surpass this crisis.

  10. seeing the photos of those kids playing luksong tinik indeed warms the heart. that trait of resilience is what i love in filipinos the most. :)

  11. it's nice to see that even though they're experiencing crisis they still have time to laugh and play.. that's right, be positive! :)

  12. I'm really sad at what happened there in Zamboanga. I hope your family is not affected much and that it will come to resolution at the soonest possible time. The peace process program of PNoy is really a failure!

  13. We Filipinos have a great coping mechanism in crisis. We just laugh it off sometimes...and I think it is better than crying and succumbing to depression. I hope and pray things get better there soon...

  14. a good traits that we Filipinos wont forget. i hope the crisis in Zamboanga will soon be over

  15. Filipinos are really happy people. I hope and pray that the crisis there will end.

  16. the filipino resiliency is something that never fails to amaze me. i guess this is why less of us are prone to suicidal tendencies unlike our western counterparts.

  17. this is one of the good trait of Pinoys. They manage to smile even in crisis like the one experienced in Zambo.

  18. I love the way we can smile through any pain or crisis! Hope you guys are okay there!

  19. I heard Malacanang declared crisis over na raw.. I hope so tapos na nga! Let there be PEACE in Zamboanga City

  20. Very inspiring message. I hope and pray for peace through out our nation. :-)

  21. I think smiling and laughing off a crisis is better than moping and being depressed over something which wouldn't really result into something good. It's nice to see that they're starting to move on from the incident and always pray for peace in Zamboanga and anywhere else there still is conflict and crisis like this

  22. what is happening in Zamboanga breaks my heart. Just thinking of all the people who are suffering right now makes me really sad. Looking at your post I know brighter days will come. May God Bless all of you. Praying for peace in our country.
