Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Today, March 21, 2014 marks the UNVEILING CEREMONY of the CIUDAD DE ZAMBOANGA B.R.E.A.S.T. (Bra to Raise Early Awareness for Screening and Treatment) INSTALLATION ART!

The CMZ B.R.A. (Bra to Raise Awareness) Flash Mob created the fun atmosphere to announce the highlight activities and indeed, surprised everyone in the hospital with a very earth-shaking dance!

The CMZ B.R.A. Flash Mob danced twice:

*   At 10 a.m.: They opened the day with a happy dance to inform everyone in the hospital that we had two special activities lined up! ... and to announce the presence of the food stalls at the inner parking lot, one of which is manned by the Mindanao Breast Cancer Support and Empowerment Association

** At 5 p.m.: The CMZ B.R.A. Flash Mob opened the highlight of the CMZ B.R.A. Campaign Project:
the UNVEILING CEREMONY of the CIUDAD DE ZAMBOANGA B.R.E.A.S.T. (Bra to Raise Early Awareness for Screening and Treatment) INSTALLATION ART!

We would like to share amateur video clips (taken from an iPad Air!) for you to feel the superb energy of the CMZ B.R.A. Flash Mob!

The Ciudad Medical Zamboanga staff danced their way to announce to the folks on the CMZ Bra to Raise Awareness Campaign highlight this March 21,2014.

There were dancers in all four floors of CMZ and they danced their way to the first floor center aisle for the finale.

The second run of the CMZ B.R.A. Flash Mob was at 5 p.m. and the dancers were still seen at all four levels. CMZ staff, patients and relatives and friends such as from JSOTF-P (Balikatan to many of us) friends, witnessed their dynamism once more!

The Flash Mob all danced down to the first floor center aisle then, run  to the front parking lot to open the UNVEILING CEREMONY of the CIUDAD de ZAMBOANGA B.R.E.A.S.T. (Bra to Raise Early Awareness) INSTALLATION ART! You can imagine the blur of activities as they moved from one part of the hospital to the outside!

Here the Flash Mob is already by the roadside!

You could immediately guess that they did get everyone's attention and all eyes were focused on CMZ!

AND, we also have another reason to celebrate because of  the Conferment of Ciudad Medical Zamboanga (Zamboanga Polymedic Hospital Inc.) for the 16th cycle Philippine Quality Award (PQA) for Recognition to Commitment to Quality Management by no less than Pres. Benigno Aquino III at the Rizal Hall, Malacañan Palace, just a day before!!! (PQA is a presidential and national award!)

We thank all the CMZ staff and especially, the nurse trainees who shared their time, talent and energy to liven up this milestone in CMZ history - be it as the dancers, choreographers and support staff! You are indeed part of CMZ history!

We are now showcasing another aspect of their creative "juices" from still art to beauty in motion!

What a way to open the Unveiling Ceremony!

CMZ proudly presents the Ciudad De Zamboanga B.R.E.A.S.T. Installation Art, which we believe is the largest bra art made of individual bras to be displayed whether here in the Philippines or abroad. 
Ciudad De Zamboanga B.R.E.A.S.T. Installation Art
by Rameer Tawasil
photo credit to Juvee Calica and Mel Javar

Everyone who witnessed them definitely were infected by the high spirits and we hope that somehow we were able to share the energy of the affair with you through these videoclips!!!